الخميس، 29 أبريل 2010

A memory


Memories sometimes bring happiness and sometimes brig sadness. Humans have memories as long as they live. They remember great scenes and hard ones as well. We feel appreciated about some of those memories and feel that they take a big space in our hearts and minds. On the other hand, other memories stay as a black spot in our hearts and we'd do anything to remove it. But it's not easy as we think.
I have a memory that has stayed for so long since I was about seven years old. As all children and especially girls I had a best one, who was called Mona. She was a smart and active too. She would never sit on her chair; you'd find her moving from her place to the teacher's table to show her answers, writings or sometimes great drawings.
I didn't image as a child on that time I would be separated from her for any reason or miss her very as I still do.
It was the beginning of school year in the assembly, where they were calling girls to their new classes, but I didn't see her. I went to look for her around the school as a crazy little child , and asked the teachers with tears on my little cheeks. Some of them thought I was sick and some thought that I lost my way to my new class. Others thought that I am a new student and I want my mum. I didn't had the words on that time to explain, that I'm missing me little best friend. At the end of the day, I was exhausted from looking for her even in break time. I went home and I was tired and so sad. My mother asked me about my first day. I told her that I didn't see Mona and I cried again. My mother told me maybe she's sick or she moved to another class. In the evening my mother called Mona's mother to ask about her daughter. Her mother said that Mona couldn't go to a normal school any longer, because she can't see anymore. My mum was shocked and so sorry to hear that, but she didn't tell me the truth.
Few days later I had the biggest shock in my life. It was the most miserable day I've ever had. It was coincidence, which allowed me to hear about what happened to my dear friend. To w of my teachers were standing in one of the corners in the classroom. They were talking about a student, but it wasn't clear who it was. They mentioned something about a girl who lost her sight because of an accident. At the moment I didn't know what happened to me. A deep feeling of sadness fill me heart. I couldn't control my self I startedcrying. When I went home I ran to my mum and hugged her. She didn't know why I was crying. She asked me, but I couldn't answer at the beginning. She kept asking then I told her.
She'll always stay in my heart. I'll always remember the time we spent playing on the swing. I didn't get to see her again because she traveled away to get treatment.

الثلاثاء، 27 أبريل 2010

ِِِِِِِِِِA memory

Memories sometimes bring happiness and sometimes brig sadness. Humans have memories as long as they live. They remember great scenes and hard ones as well. We feel appreciated about some of those memories and feel that they take a big space in our hearts and minds. On the other hand, other memories stay as a black spot in our hearts and we'd do anything to remove it. But it's not easy as we think.
I have a memory that has stayed for so long since I was about seven years old. As all children and especially girls I had a best one, who was called Mona. She was a smart and active too. She would never sit on her chair; you'd find her moving from her place to the teacher's table to show her answers, writings or sometimes great drawings.
I didn't image as a child on that time I would be separated from her for any reason or miss her very as I still do.
It was the beginning of school year in the assembly, where they were calling girls to their new classes, but I didn't see her. I went to look for her around the school as a crazy little child , and asked the teachers with tears on my little cheeks. Some of them thought I was sick and some thought that I lost my way to my new class. Others thought that I am a new student and I want my mum. I didn't had the words on that time to explain, that I'm missing me little best friend.

الأحد، 18 أبريل 2010

دنيا الصمت

دنيا صمت ارحم قلبي المعذب ودفن حزنك الأليم ....كفاك تدفن صاحبك من الدنيا بصمتك من سنين .....تبكي دموع عيني بشوفتك من بعيد ....يا قلبي ابتعد وترك الجرح الجد يم ...عسى تتجدد حياتك وتنسى ماضيك الأليم ....ابتعد وعزي نفسك بذكرى مضت كنت عايشها أنين .... روح عسى ينمحي حبا يسمونه حبا من طرف واحد .....تناسى حبا في داخلك موجود وحزين ......الله يصبرني على فرقى الأحباب وأودع حبا تواراه المحبين ......يا قلب تدارى جرحك ومسح دموعك وقول ما أريد المزيد ... ودع أيام مضت ما يذكرها حتى صاحبك الجد يم .... ابتعد وعزي نفسك وقول الله كريم ....لابد من يوم تنطوي صفحة من كتابك الجد يم .... كتاب ملى عليه التراب والأحزان والسنين .... يا كتابي لا تحزن لابد وتلقالك ونيس من جديد ... يفتح صفحاتك ويمليها فرح وسرور .... أفرح يا قلبي يالك الفرج قرب.... عساك تشوف السعادة وتفرح بالحب الجديد .....وتلقالك صاحبا يبادلك المحبة ويستحقك أكيد....

الخميس، 15 أبريل 2010

يا صاحبي ..

يا صاحبي قلبي تحمل ما يستطيع يتحمل المزيد .... يعاني من فراقك وينزف اسى وحزين ... يا صاحبي تذكر احلى السنين صحبةً ملت على قلبي الحزين .... اشوف الذكريات مضت الي نساه الملاييين.... يا صاحبي تبتعد و انا اباك قريب .... محتاجلك جنبي وانت بعيد ...اعاتب قلبي الي فقد احلى المحبين ولا اعاتب الزمان الي قسى على قلبي وحكمها بالفراق ... يا صاحبي قاسي في طبعك وتزيدنا الامر امرين .... تعذر لخلق الله وانا تحكمني بقفص المعذبين .... اقترب منك اباك تداوي جرحي الجديم .واعيش حياة ما عشتها من زمان ... ليش ماتعذر قلبي الي يشوفك مالك مثيل ...ابادلك النظرات وانت ما تفهمني زين ...يا صاحبي انا اتحمل الطعنات ولكني ما اتحمل من الغالييين .... يا صاحبي ابي البعاد من هدنيا يمكن القالي بيت يضف قلبي الحزاني ... عسى الله يعوضك بصاحبا يملي على قلبك فرح وسرور .... اتمنى من رب العالمين ينتشل روحي ويغفرلي كل خطاياي وزلات السنين .... يا قلبي شو الي تباه الحين اشوف دموع عيونك وقلبك حزين .... عيوني تبكي على فراق صاحبي القاسي وتتمناله السعاده لاني ما بتشوفه بعدين ...

الاثنين، 12 أبريل 2010

?What I had in my Memory

assalamu alykum wa rahmatu ALLAH wa barakatuhu
I just remember something while I was cooking today some food, I remember the first time I cooked. It was terrible. Really, memories sometimes bring happiness and sometimes bring sadness. I have a memory which I still remember until now, since I was about eleven years old. I used to observe my Mum and my older sister while they were cooking food. That time I was curious to learn how to cook, but not all the time my cooking was great and the food wasn't tasty either. I still remember the first time I cooked. One day, my Mum and my sister weren't at home. I thought that it would be a nice surprise to cook lunch for them. That day, I was waiting for my family to return back home and taste what I had cooked, and then when they were home my little sister was very hungry, so she rushed to the kitchen to eat without even thinking who cooked this meal. A few minutes later, I was shocked to see my little sister in the rest room vomiting what ever she ate! Consequently, nobody from my family accepted to eat what I cooked. They were making many jokes . At that moment, l didn't know what happened to me. I couldn't control myself. I started to cry . My mum talked to me and I relaxed because she promised to teach me how to cook. I think my cooking now is great while not all the time it is nice.
I wish enjoy what I have talk about it


الثلاثاء، 6 أبريل 2010


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